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Friday, February 28
Don Goodman, DVM Comes from Navasota, Texas. As a practicing veterinarian, almost every day of the past 45 years has found himself inside a cattle producer’s cow(s) or pens. With his “in the trenches” experience, he has developed a passion for designing and implementing complete herd health programs for cattle producers including the aspects of biosecurity, immunization, nutrition, parasitology and ranch management.
As a first career he decided to make his fortune as a cowboy. He failed miserably and decided to become a veterinarian. He graduated from the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine in 1979. He continues to practice and sold his business in 2017, enabling him to consult as a Technical Service Veterinarian. He recently decided to invest in the next generation of veterinarians by serving as a Large Animal Veterinarian Clinical Assistant Professor at the Texas A&M Vet School.
He is a member and past officer of many state and national professional organizations, a speaker and the author of numerous magazine articles. He enjoys ranching and fly fishing and is a classic car enthusiast. He and his wife, Dee, have been married for almost 48 years. They have two adult children, a daughter-in-law and two handsome grandsons.
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Friday, February 28
Dr. Robert Rust grew up in a small farming town in northern Kansas where his love of the outdoors and veterinary medicine began. The family had a row crop and cattle operation as well as raising greyhounds for the racetrack. His father, along with his uncles, owned a car dealership where much time and learning were spent developing his work ethic and business principles. Dr. Rust graduated high school and attended Kansas State University where he graduated with a degree in wildlife biology. After working for Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks for several years, he took a position with a group of counties in Northern Kansas doing environmental projects. Ten years later, he realized that his passion for veterinary medicine was still alive and submitted his application to vet school. Upon graduating with a DVM from Kansas State, he became an associate in a couple of different clinics before starting his own clinic with his wife and children in Wamego, KS. The last six years, Dr. Rust has spent his time in various technical service roles in industry, specializing in the development of autogenous vaccines for the cattle industry.
Friday, February 28
Dr. Willis is originally from the Western Slope of Colorado and currently the owner and sole practitioner of Mid-Texas Veterinary Associates. She did a Masters Program at Texas A&M in Equine Reproduction and worked in Lexington, KY, at Rood and Riddle prior to graduating with her DVM from Auburn University in 2005 and then went to work at Elgin Veterinary Hospital. In 2009, she opened a referral center for all large animals requiring specialized medical and surgical care. She completed her Acupuncture Certification at CSU in 2010. She specializes in rodeo stock, performance animals, lameness, ultrasound and exotic hoof stock.
Dr. Willis has over 19 years of experience.
Saturday, March 1
Dr. Phil Jones received his DVM from The Ohio State University, completed an internship at Peterson & Smith Equine Hospital in Ocala, Florida followed by a surgical residency at Kansas State University. Phil worked 4 years in private practice in Oklahoma where he also served as a veterinarian for the North American Sport Horse Federation Stallion Testing. He then spent 4 years at Scone Equine Hospital in New South Wales, Australia, the largest private practice in the Southern Hemisphere. While in Australia, Dr. Jones served as the official veterinarian for the Australian Bushmen’s Campdraft and Rodeo Association National Finals and the Australian Barrel Horse Association National Finals. After returning to America in 2016, Phil worked 3 years at Tryon Equine Hospital, the referral hospital for the 2018 World Equestrian Games. Dr. Jones joined the University of Tennessee in 2019. His interests include lameness, orthopedic, soft tissue and colic surgery.
Saturday, March 1
Dr. Andrews received his DVM and MS degrees from Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine. After a year in private practice in Walla Walla, WA, he completed an Equine Internal Medicine Residency at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Andrews” is a Diplomate in the ACVIM, Large Animal Internal Medicine and Dr. Andrews was a clinical faculty member at the University of Tennessee for 20 years, before moving to Baton Rouge, LA. Dr. Andrews is currently the LVMA Equine Committee Professor and Director of the Equine Health and Sports Performance Program (EHSP) at LSU and has held that position for 16 years. His clinical and research interests include gastrointestinal diseases (gastric and colonic ulcers and hindgut acidosis), endocrine diseases, effectiveness of supplements, and foal medicine.
Sunday, March 2
Dr. Andrews received his DVM and MS degrees from Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine. After a year in private practice in Walla Walla, WA, he completed an Equine Internal Medicine Residency at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Andrews” is a Diplomate in the ACVIM, Large Animal Internal Medicine and Dr. Andrews was a clinical faculty member at the University of Tennessee for 20 years, before moving to Baton Rouge, LA. Dr. Andrews is currently the LVMA Equine Committee Professor and Director of the Equine Health and Sports Performance Program (EHSP) at LSU and has held that position for 16 years. His clinical and research interests include gastrointestinal diseases (gastric and colonic ulcers and hindgut acidosis), endocrine diseases, effectiveness of supplements, and foal medicine.
DVM, DACVIM (Large Animal)
Sunday, March 2
Dr. Christine received her veterinary degree from Kansas State University. After an internship and a few years in ambulatory equine practice in New York, she returned to academia for a Large Animal Internal Medicine residency at the University of Tennessee. She is board-certified in Internal Medicine. Dr. Christine has helped develop the internal medicine services at Tennessee Equine Hospital over the last 10 years and also functions as Hospital Director. In the few hours not spent working, Dr. Christine enjoys trail running and managing her hobby farm of misfits with her husband.